We help you succeed in the CFA® exams.
We give you what you need to succeed in the CFA® exams. Our tools include a free formula sheet and test, international Whatsapp study groups, a CFA® level 1 formula app and the Essential Calculator Skills courses.
The power of CFA Formula
It is no small task to memorize over 250 formulas before the CFA® 1 exam. The cfaformula.com formula test provides an excellent way to learn your formulas through repetition, and then test your knowledge.
Master calculator skills
Develop your calculator skills through videos, quizzes, exercises and webinars. Your calculator is an essential tool in the CFA® exams. We show you how to ensure accuracy and efficiency in our calculator skills courses.
Free Formula Sheet
Save time with our free formula sheet. Our comprehensive CFA® 1 formula sheet contains over 250 formulas that you need for the first CFA® exam. Easy to find and use while doing practice problems.
Welcome To the cfaformula.com
Institute Calculator Policy
The CFA® Institute only allows two calculators in the exam. They are the: Texas Instruments BA II Plus (including BA II Plus Professional) Hewlett Packard 12C (including the HP 12C Platinum, 12C Platinum 25th anniversary edition, 12C 30th anniversary edition, and HP 12C Prestige) It is important [...]
How much do I need to pass my CFA® exams?
Knowing how the CFA® Institute determine the passing score for the CFA® exams is a question that comes up every year, and no one seems to be able to give a satisfactory answer. Even the successful candidates never receive their actual marks, but are rather sent whether they scored less […]
Our Smart Phone App
Find formulas fast with our iOS and Android app. Don’t waste any more time struggling to find the formula you need. Get it fast with our quick search function, filter list or browse by exam section. Available on iTunes, Amazon, Samsung and directly from www.cfaformula.com for only $1.99.

Thato Mufundu, CFA® Level 1 Candidate

Lisa Chipembere, CFA® Level 1 Candidate

Grace Sim, CFA® Level 1 Candidate
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